




Due to the widening spread between the price of VLSFO and HSFO, the installation of scrubbers is on the rise. As you would expect, when such equipment is installed onboard vessels, the impact of #Aderco's products on HSFO is more relevant than ever. 

Yes, for more than two years (IMO 2020 regulation entered into force on January 1st, 2020), we have been examining the positive impact of Aderco's 2055G in respect of those ships that have installed exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS), better known as #scrubbers. Now that the installation price could be paid back in only about two years, if you work for a shipping company or ship manager that is considering installing more scrubbers on some of its vessels, look carefully at the following points by Aderco's technical team: 

Firstly, at the scrubber tower and exhaust side for open and closed operations: Cleaner exhaust gasses due to better combustion impact positively: a) less fouling and clogging of absorber filters, resulting in fewer backpressure and cleaning issues; b) cleaner water sprinklers because water spray dispersion is kept at its optimum; c) cleaner electronic sensors; d) fewer PM emissions (heavier particles being collected in the water treatment system); e) improved operation at low engine MCR due to improved combustion at economical speed (of utmost importance with regards to future EEXO and CII regulations).

Secondly, at the wash water treatment side for open-loop operations: a) fewer PM and soot collected in the scrubber eases the wash water treatment operation; b) less carbonaceous material to be stored in the sludge tank and disposed of onshore.

Thirdly, at the wash water treatment side for closed-loop operations. Wash water out of the scrubber needs to be cooled down in a cooler unit: a) the metal plates of the cooler units are cleaner (less sticky carbon deposits) and maintenance is minimal.

Fourthly, at the wash water rejects side for open-loop operation: a) less aromatic carbon is discharged into the seas (the optical measurement of Phenanthrene (PAHphe) remains constantly below the upper regulatory maximum limit of PAHphe discharge).